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This page still pertains to UD version 1.


Note: nmod, neg, and punct appear in two places.

Core dependents of clausal predicates
Nominal dep Predicate dep
nsubj csubj
nsubjpass csubjpass
obj ccomp xcomp
Non-core dependents of clausal predicates
Nominal dep Predicate dep Modifier word
nmod advcl advmod
Special clausal dependents
Nominal dep Auxiliary Other
vocative aux mark
discourse auxpass punct
expl cop
Noun dependents
Nominal dep Predicate dep Modifier word
nummod acl amod
appos   det
nmod   neg
Compounding and unanalyzed
compound fixed goeswith
flat foreign
conj cc punct
Case-marking, prepositions, possessive
Loose joining relations
list parataxis orphan
dislocated reparandum
Sentence head Unspecified dependency
root dep

acl:relcl: relative clause modifier

A relative clause modifier (acl:relcl) marks relative clauses. The governor is the phrase or clause modified. Usually, it is a noun, but in Uralic it can also be a verb, when the dependent refers to the entire action described. The dependent is the main predicate of the relative clause.

Mies , jonka hän oli nähnyt eilen , oli taas ovella . \n The_man , whom he had seen yesterday , was again at_the_door .
acl:relcl(Mies-1, nähnyt-6)
punct(nähnyt-6, ,-2)
dobj(nähnyt-6, jonka-3)
nsubj(nähnyt-6, hän-4)
aux(nähnyt-6, oli-5)
advmod(nähnyt-6, eilen-7)
punct(nähnyt-6, ,-8)
nsubj(oli-9, Mies-1)
advmod(oli-9, taas-10)
nmod(oli-9, ovella-11)
punct(oli-9, .-12)
Ovi kolahti auki , mikä säikäytti lapsen . \n The_door clanked open , which scared the_child .
nsubj(kolahti-2, Ovi-1)
advmod(kolahti-2, auki-3)
acl:relcl(kolahti-2, säikäytti-6)
punct(säikäytti-6, ,-4)
nsubj(säikäytti-6, mikä-5)
dobj(säikäytti-6, lapsen-7)
punct(kolahti-2, .-8)
Sinul on läinud korda see , mida keegi teine pole suutnud ! \n You have succeeded _ it , that no-one else has_not been_able_to !
acl:relcl(see-5, suutnud-11)
aux(suutnud-11, pole-10)


###Turku Dependency Treebank

The governor can also be a verb, when the dependent refers to the entire action described in the main sentence.


FI_FTB applies the universal relation acl instead of the language-specific relation acl:relcl.

Estonian Treebank

Szeged Treebank

acl:relcl does not appear in the Szeged treebank.

edit acl:relcl

advcl: adverbial clause modifier

Adverbial clause modifiers (advcl) are subordinate clauses that are not complements. Also non-complement infinitival or temporal clauses (lauseenvastike, see for instance (see ISK §876) and non-complement participles modifying verbs are marked as advcl. If there is a subordinating conjunction present, it is marked with the dependency type mark.

Kun äiti tuli kotiin , isä keitti kahvia . \n When mother came home , father made coffee .
mark(tuli-3, Kun-1)
nsubj(tuli-3, äiti-2)
nmod(tuli-3, kotiin-4)
punct(tuli-3, ,-5)
nsubj(keitti-7, isä-6)
advcl(keitti-7, tuli-3)
dobj(keitti-7, kahvia-8)
punct(keitti-7, .-9)
Äidin tullessa kotiin isä keitti kahvia . \n Mother when_came home father made coffee .
nsubj(tullessa-2, Äidin-1)
nmod(tullessa-2, kotiin-3)
nsubj(keitti-5, isä-4)
advcl(keitti-5, tullessa-2)
dobj(keitti-5, kahvia-6)
punct(keitti-5, .-7)
Huolestuneena juoksin hänen luokseen . \n Worried I_ran him to .
advcl(juoksin-2, Huolestuneena-1)
nmod(juoksin-2, hänen-3)
case(hänen-3, luokseen-4)
punct(juoksin-2, .-5)

The dependency type advcl is used also in comparative constructions, most often involving adjectives in the comparative form. The head of the advcl dependency is the comparative wordform, and the dependent is the compared element.

The annotation of comparative and superlative structures is described in Comparatives and superlatives.

parempi kuin eilinen näytelmä \n better than yesterday's(adj.) play
advcl(parempi-1, näytelmä-4)
mark(näytelmä-4, kuin-2)
amod(näytelmä-4, eilinen-3)
Ta jooksis karjudes .
nsubj(jooksis-2, Ta-1)
advcl(jooksis-2, karjudes-3)
punct(jooksis-2, .-4)

He ran shouting.

Mulle pakuti süüa , kui õhtul koolist saabusin .
nmod(pakuti-2, Mulle-1)
xcomp(pakuti-2, süüa-3)
sconj(saabusin-8, kui-5)
advmod(saabusin-8, õhtul-6)
nmod(saabusin-8, koolist-7)
advcl(pakuti-2, saabusin-8)
punct(saabusin-8, .-9)

I was offered something to eat, when I arrived from school in the evening


edit advcl

amod: adjectival modifier

Nouns may take adjectival modifiers, which are marked with the dependency type amod. It is also possible for an adjective to take another adjective as a modifier. (These adjectival modifiers are generally expressed with -ly adverbs in English.)

Tien vieressä on suuri kivi . \n Road next_to is large rock .
nmod(on-3, Tien-1)
case(Tien-1, vieressä-2)
nsubj(on-3, kivi-5)
amod(kivi-5, suuri-4)
punct(on-3, .-6)
1       See     see     PRON    P       Case=Nom|Number=Sing|PronType=Dem       4       nsubj:cop       _       _
2       oli     olema   VERB    V       Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Act 4       cop     _       _
3       suur    suur    ADJ     A       Case=Nom|Degree=Pos|Number=Sing 4       amod    _       _
4       muutus  muutus  NOUN    S       Case=Nom|Number=Sing    0       root    _       _
5       .       .       PUNCT   Z       _       4       punct   _       _
poikkeuksellisen suuri kivi \n exceptional(ly) large rock
amod(suuri-2, poikkeuksellisen-1)
amod(kivi-3, suuri-2)

Open questions

edit amod

punct: punctuation

The dependency type punct is used to mark punctuation. The dependent is the punctuation symbol, and the governor is the element which the punctuation symbol delimits. For instance, with coordination, the first coordinated element is the head of all punct dependencies in the coordination, and with subordinate clauses, the head of the subordinate clause is the governor of the punct.

kerrostaloja , rivitaloja ja omakotitaloja \n blockhouses , rowhouses and one_family_houses
punct(kerrostaloja-1, ,-2)
conj(kerrostaloja-1, rivitaloja-3)
cc(kerrostaloja-1, ja-4)
conj(kerrostaloja-1, omakotitaloja-5)
1       Kõik    kõik    PRON    P       Case=Nom|Number=Sing|PronType=Tot       2       nsubj   _       _
2       oleneb  olenema VERB    V       Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Act 0       root    _       _
3       otstarbest      ots_tarve       NOUN    S       Case=Ela|Number=Sing    2       nmod    _       _
4       ,       ,       PUNCT   Z       _       3       punct   _       _
5       ümbrusest       ümbrus  NOUN    S       Case=Ela|Number=Sing    3       conj    _       _
6       ja      ja      CONJ    J       _       3       cc      _       _
7       kasutajast      kasutaja        NOUN    S       Case=Ela|Number=Sing    3       conj    _       _
8       .       .       PUNCT   Z       _       2       punct   _       _
Kotona oli hiljaista , kun hän palasi . \n At_home was quiet , when he returned .
advmod(oli-2, Kotona-1)
xcomp(oli-2, hiljaista-3)
advcl(oli-2, palasi-7)
punct(palasi-7, ,-4)
punct(oli-2, .-8)
mark(palasi-7, kun-5)
nsubj(palasi-7, hän-6)
1       See     see     PRON    P       Case=Nom|Number=Sing|PronType=Dem       3       nsubj:cop       _       _
2       oli     olema   VERB    V       Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Act 3       cop     _       _
3       tuba    tuba    NOUN    S       Case=Nom|Number=Sing    0       root    _       _
4       ,       ,       PUNCT   Z       _       6       punct   _       _
5       kus     kus     ADV     D       _       6       mark    _       _
6       elas    elama   VERB    V       Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Act 3       advcl   _       _
7       Jooga   Jooga   PROPN   S       Case=Nom|Number=Sing    6       nsubj   _       _
8       .       .       PUNCT   Z       _       3       punct   _       _


By the current release of FI_FTB (FinnTreeBank), the manual annotation of punctuation marks has not been completed. Instead the automatic annotation links the punctuation marks to the closest token available (usually the previous one).

edit punct

vocative: vocative modifier

The dependency type vocative is used for vocatives, that is, expressions where someone is being addressed. The governor of the dependency is the main predicate of the clause where the addressing occurs.

Pekka , tulisitko tänne ? \n Pekka , would_you_come here ?
vocative(tulisitko-3, Pekka-1)
punct(Pekka-1, ,-2)
advmod(tulisitko-3, tänne-4)
punct(tulisitko-3, ?-5)
Mine ära , Ronald ! \n Go away , Ronald !
vocative(Mine-1, Ronald-4)
compound-prt(Mine-1, ära-2)
Te nyisd ki az ablakot , Sam ! \n You open out the window , Sam !
vocative(nyisd-2, Sam-7)
det(ablakot-5, az-4)
nsubj(nyisd-2, Te-1)


See issue 320[https://github.com/UniversalDependencies/docs/issues/320]

edit vocative