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Note: nmod, neg, and punct appear in two places.

Core dependents of clausal predicates
Nominal dep Predicate dep
nsubj csubj
nsubjpass csubjpass
obj ccomp xcomp
Non-core dependents of clausal predicates
Nominal dep Predicate dep Modifier word
nmod advcl advmod
Special clausal dependents
Nominal dep Auxiliary Other
vocative aux mark
discourse auxpass punct
expl cop
Noun dependents
Nominal dep Predicate dep Modifier word
nummod acl amod
appos   det
nmod   neg
Compounding and unanalyzed
compound fixed goeswith
flat foreign
conj cc punct
Case-marking, prepositions, possessive
Loose joining relations
list parataxis orphan
dislocated reparandum
Sentence head Unspecified dependency
root dep

amod: adjectival modifier

An adjectival modifier of a noun is any adjectival phrase that serves to modify the meaning of the noun.

Exception: if the modifying adjectival word is pronominal (i.e. tagged uk-pos/DET), the relation is det instead of amod.

Ніна їсть зелене яблуко . \n Nina is-eating (a) green apple .
amod(яблуко, зелене)
amod(apple, green)
Ігор взяв десятитисячну позику . \n Igor has taken (a) ten-thousand loan .
amod(позику, десятитисячну)
amod(loan, ten-thousand)
Перший бігун був швидкий . \n The-first racer was fast .
amod(бігун, Перший)
amod(racer, The-first)
nsubj(швидкий, бігун)
nsubj(fast, racer)
Швидкий бігун був перший . \n The-fast racer was first .
amod(бігун, Швидкий)
amod(racer, The-fast)
nsubj(перший, бігун)
nsubj(first, racer)

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nsubj: nominal subject

A nominal subject is a nominal phrase which is the syntactic subject of a clause; in Ukrainian, the phrase is in the nominative uk-feat/Case. (See csubj for when the subject is clausal. See nsubj:pass and csubj:pass for when the subject is not the proto-agent argument due to valence changing operations.) The governor of the nsubj relation might not always be a verb: when the verb is a copular verb, the root of the clause is the complement of the copular verb, which can be an adjective or noun. Copular verbs in the present tense are in most cases omitted in Ukrainian.

Заповіт написав Тарас Шевченко . \n The Will was written by Taras Shevchenko .
nsubj(написав, Шевченко)
nsubj(written, Shevchenko)
Машина -- червона . \n Car is red .
nsubj(червона, Машина)
nsubj(red, Car)

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root: root

The root grammatical relation points to the root of the sentence. A fake node ROOT is used as the governor. The ROOT node is indexed with 0, since the indexing of real words in the sentence starts at 1.

ROOT Макаревич любить макарони . \n ROOT Makarevych loves pasta .
root(ROOT-1, любить)
root(ROOT-7, loves)

There is just one node with the root dependency relation in every tree. If the main predicate is not present (due to ellipsis) and there are multiple orphaned dependents, the leftmost dependent is promoted to the head (root) position and the other orphans are attached to it.

An example sentence-like segment that lacks the main verb: _А вони що [роблять]? _ “And what [do] they [do]?”

ROOT А вони що ? \n ROOT And they what ?
root(ROOT-1, А)
root(ROOT-6, And)
nsubj(А, вони)
nsubj(And, they)
dobj(А, що)
dobj(And, what)
punct(А, ?-4)
punct(And, ?-10)

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vocative: vocative

The vocative relation is used to mark dialogue participant addressed in text. The relation links the addressee’s name to its host sentence. In Ukrainian, the addressee’s name must also appear in the vocative uk-feat/Case form.

Пане Президенте , скільки можна ? \n Mister President , you-should-stop-it !
vocative(можна, Президенте)
vocative(you-should-stop-it, President)
Громадяни , ану в чергу ! \n Citizens , go to the-queue !
vocative(ану, Громадяни)
vocative(go, Citizens)

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