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This page pertains to UD version 2.

UD release checklist for the task force

This checklist describes the steps needed in order to release a new version of the UD data. It is meant for the maintenance task force rather than individual treebank teams. See here for the checklist for data contributors.

path=$(pwd) ; cd /net/data ; tar xzf $path/release-2.0/ud-treebanks-v2.0.tgz ; mv ud-treebanks-v2.0 universal-dependencies-2.0 ; cd $HAMLEDT ; perl ./populate_ud20.pl \# copy metadata to biblio

Removing test data before release 2.0

The Universal Dependencies release 2.0 in March 2017 will not contain test data (only training and development data will be released). This is a temporary measure because of the CoNLL Shared Task 2017 in parsing UD. While the underlying text and v1 annotation is already known for most languages, the new v2 annotation (and possibly the text in case of new data split) should be hidden until the shared task is over. The following commands were applied to all repositories (but we must also inform all data providers that they are not supposed to put the test files back).

for i in UD_* ; do pushd $i ; git checkout dev ; git pull --no-edit ; git rm *-test.conllu ; (echo '*-test.conllu' >> .gitignore) ; git add .gitignore ; git commit -a -m 'UDv2 test data must not appear on Github because of the CoNLL shared task.' ; git push ; popd ; echo ; done